

20% Klar för Jörgen

Efter en relativt lång promenad med frun, kom Jörgen fram till 20% av sin totala sträcka i Giza Pyramids utmaningen.

Sträckan blev 4,16 km, en runda som sträckte sig mot Limhamns kyrkogård.

Strax efteråt kom ett meddelande via e-post, som förkunnade framfarten.

Hi Jörgen,

You just passed the 20% milestone on the Giza Pyramids!

This is great news because it means we will plant a real tree thanks to you!

Each time you reach one of the milestones shown on the map, we will plant a tree to help restore healthy forests in locations around the world.

We have partnered with leading forestry rehabilitation agencies to get this done so all you need to focus on is smashing out as many miles as you can.

Keep up the great work and thanks for helping our virtual global community make a difference in the real world.