

Tråkiga nyheter från Virtualrunners

I morse skrev jag ett mail till Virtualrunners, angående den medalj och T-shirt för mitt ”Run to the Moon Challenge” jag skulle ha fått, men ännu ej fått, trots idoga kontakter och löften om att de skickat dem.

Jag fick ett automatiskt svar:

Unfortunately, we were forced to terminate VirtualRunners

They were wonderful years in which we had many beautiful moments together.

However, the overall economic development of the last few weeks forced us to file for bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, you may have lost one or the other beautiful medal – we lost our existence.

What is not lost, however, are the beautiful moments and runs that we had together with you.

For this we are very grateful to you.

We wish you all the best, stay healthy, Your VirtualRunners-Team

Så, jag gissar att jag inte kommer att få varken T-shirt, eller medalj för Pontus och mitt ”Sweden Run 2022” lopp, som vi deltog i!

Medalj för Sweden Run 2022 

Sweden Run 2022 T-shirt